Upcoming Shabbat Programs
Musical Service and Potluck Service
June 14, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
June will be busting out all over – we hope. The unofficial first Shabbat of summer vacation will be full of upbeat music and yummy food, courtesy of our terrific Shir musicians and y’all!
Shabbat Dinner with Women Wage Peace
June 21, 6pm
Location: TBD based on attendance
Women Wage Peace is a relatively new and quickly growing Israeli organization – a grassroots movement with tens of thousands of members from the right, center and left of the political spectrum, Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, united in the demand for a mutually binding non-violent accord between Israelis and Palestinian. Two representatives leaders, in MKE for the annual JCRC meeting, will be joining us for a catered Middle Eastern Shabbat dinner and intimate conversation. $18 per person. Please RSVP here.
Week of April 8, 2019

Musical Freedom Service and Potluck
April 12, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
In honor of the month of Nissan and the upcoming Passover holiday, our wonderful music service will feature music and readings on the theme of freedom. Bring a potluck dish to share.
Shir Community Seder Table
April 19, 6pm
Location: 2400 E Stratford Ct.
Join co-hosts Nita Salzman and the Sweeney/Woll family for a warm, thought-provoking, delicious
Shabbat/Pesach Morning Service with Yiskor
April 27, 10am
Location: Shir Space at Plymouth
Join us for a musical morning Shabbat and festival service, Torah reading including the Song of the Sea, and Yiskor service, on this unique day which is the 8th day of Pesach in traditional communities and a (possibly chametz-free) Shabbat for others. Confused by this? Ask the rabbi!!
Dare to Imagine: Creativity and Healing
With Anne Basting
Building on 25 years of work in aging and the arts, Anne will share three simple techniques to infuse imagination into care, as well as stories of her experiences transforming care settings into cultural centers.
Sunday, April 14, 2pm – Plymouth Upper Study
We are excited to offer SO many opportunities to be together during Passover this year. See above for Shabbat programs which include the first and last day of the holiday – first night Community Table and morning service with Yizkor.
Here is the rundown for the rest of the week:
A Night of Questions
Saturday, April 20th, 7pm
Location: Sweeney/Woll Home
We will lounge in freedom enjoying finger foods and drinks and exploring the questions that are on our minds but not the Haggadah.Bring pesadik finger food and wine or another beverage, to share. (Kitniyot are ok, ask the rabbi if you have ?s)
Freedom Seder
Wednesday, April 24th, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
We will gather with our brothers and sisters from St. Mark AME to explore questions of freedom in our respective histories, communities, and in the world. This will be an organized potluck.
Mimouna / Pizza and Cake Bash
Saturday, April 27th, 6:00pm
Location: Apple/Cangiamilla Home
This North African Tradition celebrates our freedom and the joys of bringing chametz back into our lives. Mark your calendars – more details on what to bring, etc. to come!
Special Immigration Service and Oneg
February 22, 7pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
Professor Rachel Buff of UWM’s Cultures and Communities Program and History Department will join us to discuss her recent trip to the southern US border and the political and environmental forces impacting the desire for immigration and asylum from Central America. She will answer our questions about the current situation in the state and at the border and how we can support immigrants locally and nationally.
Song and Study
March 2, 10am
Location: Sweeney/Woll residence
2400 E Stratford Ct, Shorewood
It is Shabbat Shekalim! The regular parashah, which addresses building the mishkan, is enhanced with extra Torah about the process of taking a census through the half shekel contribution (sound familiar?). Bring a Torah translation and nosh to share. Come at 9:45 for that first cuppa’ something.
Musical Chesed Service and Potluck
March 8, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
While we enjoy our always wonderful music and delicious potluck meal, we will also immerse in the theme of chesed through Torah text, liturgy, contemporary writings, and exploration of how we can each bring more chesed into our world and community.
Shir Community Table
March 15, 6pm
Location: TBA
Join your Shir chevre for Shabbat blessings, delicious food,
and interesting conversation in an intimate setting.
Shabbat Learning
March 16, 10am
Location: Sweeney/Woll residence
2400 E Stratford Ct, Shorewood
This follow up to our February session will focus on the history, form, and themes of Jewish prayer. Bring a little nosh to share if you wish.
Noted Israeli Author Yossi Klein Halevi will be in MKE in late May to discuss his book Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor, in which he describes his growing awareness of the dual narratives in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and his desire to be understood by his hypothetical Palestinian neighbor.
Congregation Shir Hadash will join Lake Park Synagogue for a more intimate discussion of the book
Wednesday, March 13th at 7pm
at Hillel MKE – 3053 N Stowell Ave, Milwaukee
And don’t forget to put Thursday May 30th on your calendar!
Song and Study
February 2, 10am
Location: Sweeney/Woll residence
2400 E Stratford Ct, Shorewood
As we reach parashat Mishpatim, we leave the Exodus narrative and begin to learn the laws of this new society, beginning with those regarding slaves. Bring a Torah translation and nosh to share. Come at 9:45 for that first cuppa’ something.
Musical Service and Potluck
February 8, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
Shir Community Table
February 15, 6pm
Location: TBD
Join your Shir chevre for Shabbat blessings, delicious food,
and interesting conversation in an intimate setting.
Special Immigration Service and Oneg
February 22, 7pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
Professor Rachel Buff of UWM’s Cultures and Communities Program and History Department will join us to discuss her recent trip to the southern US border and help us understand the politics and reality of immigration and asylum seekers from Mexico and Central America.
ISRAELI DANCING with Sharon Lerman
Thursday February 7, 7pm
Graham Chapel at Plymouth
Learn Israeli dances for classic folk and liturgical melodies. No experience necessary. wear comfy shoes and clothing and a refreshing snack or drink.
2nd Annual Souper Bowl
February 10, 12-2:30
Mark your calendar for our 2nd annual Souper Bowl Fundraiser (and FUN-raiser!) We will build onto last year’s success with more space, more soup, and more fun!
Musical Service and Potluck
January 11, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
A new secular year brings new Jewish music! Expect more pieces by Nava Tehila as well as old favorites.
Shir Community Table
January 18, 6pm
Location: TBA – maybe by you this month??
Join your Shir chevre for Shabbat blessings, delicious food,
and interesting conversation in an intimate setting.
“Thinking Like a Reconstructionist” Service and Oneg
January 25, 7pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
This evening service will feature learning and discussion about Reconstructionist thought, including VBDM – Values Based Decision Making. Find out why a single movement has such a diversity of communities and practices and how we are more the same than different.
Song and Study
February 2, 10am
Location: Sweeney/Woll residence
2400 E Stratford Ct, Shorewood
Bring a Torah translation and nosh to share. Come at 9:45 for that first cuppa’ something.
2nd Annual Souper Bowl
February 10, 12-2:30
Mark your calendar for our 2nd annual Souper Bowl Fundraiser (and FUN-raiser!) We will build onto last year’s success with more space, more soup, and more fun! If you would like to pitch in by making soup, or contributing in some other way, please contact Diane Wagan at dianewagan@gmail.com or 414 861 5640.
Week of December 17, 2018
Solstice Service and Oneg
December 21, 7pm
Location: Graham Chapel at Plymouth
Chants, rounds, and niggunim will help us go deep into the dark and then bring in the light! Bring your deep breath, open heart, and a small nosh for the oneg.
Earlier in the evening, Plymouth Church is hosting the Pathfinder Holiday meal. Shir members who wish to may sign up to contribute to, and share in, the meal. See details here
Congregation Shir Hadash is once again providing and serving Christmas dinner at the St Vincent DePaul food pantry and meal site. There are opportunities to purchase, cook, and/or serve the noontime meal. It is great fun and good work.
Some tweaks for this year: Fresh potatoes were such a hit we are bringing fresh cooked vegetables this year. And we have added apple cider to the drink menu.
Details and sign up list can be found here
For more information, please contact Jim Hagen at hagcrew@wi.rr.com or 414-467-4102 or Susan Armour Seidman at sas@uwalumni.com or 414-759-8650
A note from Shir member Martha Carlin:
A student written and produced play at Marquette

Week of October 29
Solidarity Shabbat “Pop-up” Dinner
November 2, 6pm
Location: Sweeney/Woll residence
A hearty fall soup and fresh-baked challah awaits all who wish to spend this Shabbat evening together.
Sign up here so we know how many to plan for!
Solidarity Song and Study
November 3, 10am
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
Dr. Irfan Omer, Professor of Theology and Interfaith Studies at Marquette, will join us as we explore the stories found in both Torah and Quran. We begin, as always, with prayer and song followed by a morning nosh. Bring a Torah text and nibble to share and your friends and family!! We have invited members of the Plymouth church community to join us as well.
Shir Community Table
November 9, 6pm
Location: Home of Eve Dicker Eiseman
Join your Shir chevre for Shabbat blessings, delicious food,
and interesting conversation in an intimate setting.
Sign up here
Shir Mishugas Service and Potluck
November 16, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
You like music? You like food? You like lovely people?
You like Shabbat? You should come!!
CSH is co-sponsor of this special screening of two short films by guest Israeli filmmakers. This is a sister program to the screening of Senior Moments, on Sunday at the JCC, and features the filmmakers’ more personal, and political, work:
Join filmmaker Tamar Kay for a screening and talkback on her documentary The Mute House, about a Palestinian family living in the Jewish quarter of Hebron.In the short film The Arrest, directed by Yair Agmon, the Palestinian army occupies the Middle East in an alternate version of history, and Palestinian directors make action films about their experiences in the military.
Tikkun Ha-Ir has been offered a matching grant that will match all donations made now through the end of December. Please donate to help us continue to do the necessary work toward repairing our city. To date, the Food Justice Initiative crew has cooked and delivered approximately 20,000 meals! Once again this year Tikkun Ha-Ir will be embarking on their Holiday Gifts for the Homeless drive, November 26 – December 16. Stay tuned for more details.
Click HERE to double your donation to Tikkun Ha-Ir.
What’s Nu – Week of October 8th
Musical Service and Potluck
October 12, 6:30pm
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
Enjoy the first spirited, musical service and delicious potluck of the Jewish year!
Shir Community Table
October 19, 6pm
Location: TBA – Host needed!
Join your Shir chevre for food and conversation at a lovely, intimate gathering.
“The Paper and Gene Trails: Researching Your Family Roots.”
Thursday, October 18, 7-9pm
Location: At Plymouth in the Upper Study.
Led by Karyn Rotker.
YK and Beyond
Shabbat Shuvah Service
September 15, 10am
Kol Nidre Service
September 18, 6:30pm
Yom Kippur Day
September 19, 9:30am
Song and Study
September 22, 10am
Sukkah Building and Sukkot Celebration
September 23, 4PM and 6PM
Simchat Torah Celebration
September 30, 7pm
Tuesday, September 18
Kol Nidre
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Wednesday, September 19
Shacharit/Morning Services, including Yizkor
9:30am – 1:00pm
YK Movement
Afternoon Learning and Conversation
Neilah, including Havdalah
Potluck Break-the-Fast
10am, September 22
Song and Study
2400 E. Stratford Ct.
The new year has started but the Torah cycle is not quite finished! After singing some morning chants and blessings, we will explore the final chapters of Deuteronomy and the end of the life of Moses. Bring a morning treat and a Torah text. Come at 9:45 if you want to grab that first cuppa’ something!
6pm, September 28
Sukkot Community Tables
We invite all of our members who have their own Sukkah to invite Shir members to join them for a Shabbat Sukkot meal. There is also opportunity to host at the community sukkah at Plymouth if someone wishes to. Please let Rabbi Michal know if you are interested in hosting a table this evening, for any other meal during the Sukkot holiday, or for any shabbat in the future!!