Support Shir

Donations can be made to mark a simchah, to honor the memory of a loved one, or in honor of an individual or the community and can be made to any of the following funds:
General Fund
Funds may be for general use or designated for a specific purpose or project.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Provides funding for the Rabbi's use, consistent with the charitable and non-profit status of the Congregation.
Rabbi’s Development Fund
Provides funding for the Rabbi's professional development expenses, including travel to conferences and the purchasing of books and materials.
Please use the form at the right to pay via PayPal or mail donations to our address below:
Congregation Shir Hadash
P.O. Box 170632
Milwaukee, WI 53217
Through the generosity of our members and friends, Congregation Shir Hadash will continue to be a vibrant Jewish community. Your donation supports program expansions and new initiatives.