Be "Here For Shir"
Participation is the heart and soul of Congregation Shir Hadash and we invite you to engage in ways large and small. Taking an active role in the life of the synagogue often makes the communal experience more meaningful and satisfying.
You may choose to be on one of the teams that help to guide our activities such as Social Justice or Tefillah (prayer and ritual). The Chesed Team helps us support one another in times of need. The Adult Education Team offers members the chance to share their expertise and interests. Or you may find your niche making music with Shir Mishugas.
Throughout the year there are opportunities to support the workings of the community such as setting up an oneg, joining an ad-hoc team for a program or project, leading a discussion, or giving the d’var Torah at a service.
We encourage each member to discover how they wish to be “Here for Shir”.