High Holy Days
High Holy Day liturgy and Eichah (Lamentations)
Each fall our doors are wide open for all who wish to celebrate the High Holy Days in community. Tickets are not required for members or guests, however guests are encouraged to make a donation to the congregation as they are able. Every adult must register in order to attend.
At Congregation Shir Hadash you will encounter much that you would expect at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services: special liturgy, beautiful music, hearing the shofar, reciting yiskor. You will also experience some things you might not expect: interpretive poetry, personal stories from congregation members, a warm, welcoming atmosphere, the opportunity to come up to the Torah for a group aliyah.
The Days of Awe at Shir Hadash feel a lot like our events throughout the year - only higher!
2023/5784 High Holy Day Service Schedule
Saturday, September 9
7:00 pm - Evening Service
Friday September 15
Kabbalat HaShanah - Welcoming the New Year
7:30pm - Evening Service
Saturday, September 16
Shacharit/Morning Services
9:30am - Morning Service
Sunday, Second Day, September 17
Tashlich and Shofar service
3pm - Contact us for location
Sunday, September 24
Kol Nidre
6:30 pm
Monday, September 25
Shacharit/Morning Service with Yizkor
9:30am - Morning Service
YK Movement
1:30 pm - Contact us for Directions
Afternoon Learning and Conversation
6:30 pm