Solstice Service and Oneg
December 21, 7pm
Location: Graham Chapel at Plymouth
Chants, rounds, and niggunim will help us go deep into the dark and then bring in the light! Bring your deep breath, open heart, and a small nosh for the oneg.
Earlier in the evening, Plymouth Church is hosting the Pathfinder Holiday meal. Shir members who wish to may sign up to contribute to, and share in, the meal. See details here

Congregation Shir Hadash is once again providing and serving Christmas dinner at the St Vincent DePaul food pantry and meal site. There are opportunities to purchase, cook, and/or serve the noontime meal. It is great fun and good work.
Some tweaks for this year: Fresh potatoes were such a hit we are bringing fresh cooked vegetables this year. And we have added apple cider to the drink menu.
Details and sign up list can be found here
For more information, please contact Jim Hagen at hagcrew@wi.rr.com or 414-467-4102 or Susan Armour Seidman at sas@uwalumni.com or 414-759-8650
A note from Shir member Martha Carlin:
I wanted to let you know that this coming Sunday morning (December 23), the weekly Milwaukee CBS News Magazine will be about Christmas dinner in medieval England, presented by me, with the expert assistance of William Edmundson (my current TA), and Laura Otto (UWM Chief Science Writer and Media Rep). We are interviewed by the Milwaukee CBS reporter Whitney Martin.We filmed it Tuesday, in the magnificent Victorian-style twin kitchens of the UWM Alumni House and had lots of fun!The show will be broadcast this Sunday at 7 AM (sorry about the early time!), on Milwaukee CBS (channel 58).
A student written and produced play at Marquette
January 8, 7pmThis production about “how the color of one’s skin can lead to a very different experience of the world” has gotten rave reviews and will be shown once more before going on the road for a theater festival. This will be an amazing way to continue our conversation about white privilege. CSH has acquired 10 tickets that can be purchased from Rabbi Michal for $10. Please email her at
rabbimichal@shirmke.org to reserve yours! Additional tickets may be purchased
here .

An enormous thank you to Shir members who so generously donated to the Shir Hadash and Tikkun Ha-Ir
Holiday Gifts For the Homelessdrive. If you didn’t get a chance to bring something to Shir and would like to support the essential work that Tikkun does in an effort to ‘repair the city’, donations may be made
https://thi-milwaukee.org/donate/ or checks may be mailed to Tikkun Ha-Ir Milwaukee, PO Box 090287, Milwaukee, WI 53209.Donations through 2018 will be matched, so double your impact with a donation.