7pm July 6
Summer Shabbat
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
Special story and oneg in honor of David and Sandy Brusin’s Anniversary!
6pm July 13
Shir Community Table
Location: TBA – Host needed!
Join your Shir chevre for food and conversation at a lovely, intimate gathering.
10am Saturday August 4
Song and Study
Woll/Sweeney Home
2400 E Stratford Ct, Shorewood
The book of Deuteronomy provides not only a review of the wanderings in the desert but also a window into our political and theological history. Come and learn more about this “second law” or D’varim – all these words. Please bring a nosh to share. Come at 9:45 for that first cuppa something!
6:30pm August 10
Musical Service and Potluck
Location: Shir space at Plymouth
Join us for the last potluck of the Jewish year as we prepare to welcome the month of Elul.
As we update the Shir website, we are seeking more photos of us doing our stuff – playing music, dancing, pot lucks, learning, schmoozing, the ungala, garden projects and christmas dinner and other justice events. Dig up your photos and send them to Rabbi Michal! Please understand not all photos will be used.
Monday, July 9, 7pm
Shir space at Plymouth
Exploring the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict through a Dual Narrative Lens
with guest teacher Rabbi Michael Cohen of the Arava Institute
Narratives are one of the anchors that help us ground our lives and infuse them with purpose. Confronting an opposing narrative challenges how we contextualize our lives. This is the power of the dual narrative lens. It is essential that Israelis and Palestinians – as well as organizations and governments from outside the region working to mitigate and resolve the conflict – better understand the two narratives.
Last November marked the 100th and 50th anniversaries of two seminal documents of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Balfour Declaration, which began the diplomatic process leading to the partition of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel, and Resolution 242, the basis for the Egyptian/Israeli and Jordanian/Israeli peace treaties as well as the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli talks since Oslo (1993). These documents provide a window into both perspectives of the Arab-Israeli conflict and highlight the importance of the dual narrative.
Join Rabbi Michael M. Cohen (RRC ’90) for an exploration of these two documents through the Dual Narrative Lens. Rabbi Michael has been involved with the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies since 1996. He also teaches Conflict Resolution at Bennington College. He has written scores of articles across the Middle East on the Arab-Israeli conflict and has been a Policy Advisor to the Office of the Special Envoy for Middle East Peace of the U.S. Department of State.
Saturday July 21st, 7:30 pm
Graham Chapel at Plymouth
Tisha B’Av Observance
We will blend learning and traditional ritual with the creation of our own laments of the destruction in our lives and world. Havdalah will mark the transition from shabbat into this solemn day. Bring a candle or flashlight to read by as the light fades.
It looks like summer may actually arrive and the
Surplus Harvest/Chop Shop projects will begin operations on July 9.
We are seeking volunteers to help with collecting produce, preparing food,
and distributing healthy vegetable and fruit products.
Please see the attached flyer here for more information.
Questions may also be directed toTHI board (and Shir) member Susan Armour Seidman (sas@uwalumni.com or 414 759 8650) or THI Food Justice Coordinator Karen Royster (414 426 4473)