Song and Study
December 14,10am
Locations: 2400 E Stratford Ct.
In Parashat Vayishlach we watch Jacob struggle with himself, his brother, and a mysterious being. Come sing, learn, and nosh. The coffee (and tea) is ready at 9:45.
Bring a Torah translation and treat to share.
Shabbat Community Table
December 20, 6pm
Location: 2400 E Stratford Ct.
Begin this long, dark night with the light and warmth
of Shabbat and community. We will host a “Shabbat Seder” with the traditional, and some untraditional, elements and blessings, and sing songs about darkness and light into the evening. RSVP to come.
Shabbat Hanukkah!!
December 27, 6:30pm
Location: Shir Space at Plymouth
Music! Latkes! Candles! Dinner! Be there!!
Bring your Chanukkiah (Chanukkah menorah), seven candles, a dish to share (latke makers have been assigned!), your best singing voice, and your friendliest smile!
Help make the holiday season more joyous for families in the Meta House shelter by providing gifts for their youngest residents. See here for details on purchasing, packaging, and delivering gifts of toys, clothing, and daily necessities for 22 infants. Gift an item or everything for a child, as you are able. Items will be collected through December 15.
For the 20-something-th year, Congregation Shir Hadash will be cooking and serving Christmas dinner for patrons of the St. Vincent DePaul meal site south. Please consider donating food, time, and/or funds for this worthy, and rewarding, effort.
Find details and sign up here.